So, it is wise not to delve into the high-end designer shoe market. However, if you want to learn from the true expert and get much more depth for how to make this business work for you, I recommend checking out the Six Figure SneakerHead — HypeMaster Playbook Here. An active listing is not a good comp because anyone can ask whatever they want for an item, but that does not mean they will get the selling price.
The Two Perspectives to Selling on eBay
Penny Pincher founded the popular personal finance blog Penny Pincher Journal in and has published two books about saving money. I considered selling it at a consignment shop but thought to check out eBay auctions for similar briefcases. I’m glad I did. At a consignment shop. I once had ,ake old cell phone that I tried to «trade in» at Best Buy.
eBay is a vibrant worldwide marketplace. There’s no equal.
We have good news for you: the answer to all these questions is a resounding NO! If you want to start making more money at home quickly, with little to no investment, selling on eBay more effectively is a viable option. Existing sellers will already be aware that there are many advantages to selling with eBay:. But even with these advantages, it takes more than posting a few auctions to actually make a steady income. Like any business, you need to research, plan and then implement and evaluate your plan. In this article, we will give you the necessary eBay tools so that you know how to make money on eBay more effectively. In order to be a successful seller, you should first ask yourself why you decided to get into it in the first place.
Penny Pincher founded the popular personal finance blog Penny Pincher Journal in and has published two books about saving money. I considered selling it at a consignment shop but thought to check out eBay auctions for similar briefcases. I’m glad I did. At a consignment shop. I once had an old cell phone that I tried to «trade in» at Best Buy. They told me that the phone had no value, but offered to recycle it for me.
Some items sell well on eBay and others do jake. I have tried selling old books with little success. Other items sell well, such as electronics. I try to screen my items to sell and take many items to a consignment store to sell.
With the cost of shipping, it doesn’t make much sense to sell low-cost items such as used dishes and curtains on eBay. Sometimes taking a box of stuff to a consignment store is an easy way to get it shooes and get some money. Other items will bring much higher money on eBay. Search eBay to see if momey can find similar items for sale- if not, it is probably not a good eBay item.
If you have a large item that would be expensive to ship, such as furniture, large power tools, building materials. It would have made no sense to try to sell shingles on eBay since shipping for a heavy item is so expensive. Sell heavy items locally on craigslist, at garage sales, can you make money selling shoes on ebay at consignment shops. If you want to sell on eBay, you will sell more if you have a good feedback score.
When you have a successful transaction and your buyer leaves positive feedback, your feedback score improves. Most eBay buyers are reluctant to buy from a seller with no feedback score.
You can build your feedback score by selling a few items that are not necessarily big money-makers for you. Communicate with the buyer, ship promptly, pack a note or invoice, leave any feedback on eBay. These things increase your chances of getting positive feedback shhoes your sellin. Once you have a feedback score of more than 10 or so, it gets easier to sell things on eBay. Many eBay buyers are reluctant to bid in an auction with a reserve.
I recently bid on an item using a sniping technique that I plan to describe in a future article. I won the item at the last second. I was the high bidder, but I did not get the item. Why not? Since the reserve price was not met, the item was not sold.
One problem with reserves on eBay is that buyers don’t want to waste their time bidding on an item that may not actually sell. Sometimes, an item will start off at a low price and get bid up to a high price- this is what you want when selling on eBay. With a reserve, you may not even get that first bid. I would hold off on using a reserve price unless you are certain yoi item has resale value. A reserve price shooes make sense if your item is specialized and you are not sure the right buyers will see your item during the typical 1-week auction.
For most items, a reserve price is not necessary or useful. The more detail and description of the item you provide, the more valuable it is to someone who is bidding. If you are looking at items on eBay, and one is clearly described and another is vague in the description- which would ebah bid on?
Virtually anyone bidding on an item on eBay wants to know exactly what they are getting. This can you make money selling shoes on ebay you should include details such as make, model, color, dimensions, and condition in your eBay description of the item. Since eBay buyers are deciding whether to buy your item and how much to pay for it without ever seeing the item, good pictures are essential.
I try to use good natural lighting in my pictures-this literally makes my item shine! Since you can have a dozen or so photos for free on an eBay listing, it makes sense to take pictures of all sides of your item to reassure buyers that your item is not damaged.
For example, on my briefcase listing, I took pictures of all sides. This allows buyers to access the condition of the item and bid accordingly. Some sellers zoom in and take close-ups of any defects or damage to items that they are selling. I think this is a good idea and will help protect your feedback score. If the buyer knows what they are getting, they are less likely to leave negative feedback.
If a buyer is surprised by unexpected damage, you are not likely to receive a good feedback score. This will hurt your ability to sell on eBay in the future. You might as well get started selling on eBay to build your feedback score. Find something around the house that you don’t use anymore to sell on eBay. Search on eBay for items similar to the one you want to sell, and keep looking until you find a good eBay item. Describe your item clearly and take mone pictures of your listing.
Do everything you can to get a good feedback score- this will help you sell more eBay items in the future. As you sell more eBay items, it gets easier. Your feedback score will increase, and you will get experience shipping your sold eBay items quickly.
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I really appreciate the insights on your article. I am a newbie on eBay and I will definitely implement your ideas. This is a very good article. I have been selling on eBay for a few tears now and love it. I am going to check out your blog. MarloByDesign, when selling on eBay, I set the shipping price separately. Sometimes I use the option where the buyer pays actual shipping cost in addition to the selling price.
Other times I make a little profit and charge a fixed rate for shipping that sellinh high enough to cover all the shipping costs and then. In the end, your item has to compete with the other items for sale- so if other items have free shipping and yours does not, then the bidding on your item will reflect. Thanks for your comment. Do you keep the shipping cost in mind when you post a price on ebay?
Very useful tips. Thank acn for sharing! Very good advice. I had a great deal of success selling books and especially comic books in lots. Kind of a follow up idea, how to sell lots on ebay. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and.
HubPages Inc, a part of Maven Inc. As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. To provide a better website experience, toughnickel. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. Dr Penny Pincher. How can you make money selling your stuff on eBay?
Tip 4: Describe Your Item Clearly and Accurately eBay Buyers want to bid with confidence- that is, they want to be confident that the seller will deliver the item that was advertised and confident that they know what item they will.
Tip 5: Include Good Pictures of Your eBay Item Since eBay buyers are deciding whether to buy your item and onn much to pay for it without ever seeing the item, good pictures are essential.
Zero 5 or less 6 to 10 more than 10 See results. Start Selling on eBay Today! Home-Based Businesses. Sign In Join. Connect with us. This website uses cookies As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a uou things. This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the selliing, and is used for security reasons.
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Tip 1: Identify Good eBay Items to Sell
As mentioned, there are other up-and-comer brands with pairs of sneakers worth looking. If you have any doubts, here xhoes some stats from eBay about shoe sales to help convince you:. There is a service called Authenticate First than can authenticate designer items via email and photos. These stats are not bad! You’re shoez the right place. If selling shoes that a senior citizen would wear, make sure the sole is not worn down or slippery. If you list fakes on eBay, and you are caught, you can be suspended either temporarily or your account can be shut down permanently. It is also cheaper to list that way vs running a low starting price and adding a reserve to it. Continue Reading. Not sure how to narrow your can you make money selling shoes on ebay You can start your journey as an entrepreneur by selling sneakers online. Honestly, sometimes people just don’t care if the shoes are used and broken in. However, before you get help from a bot, you may want to roll up your sleeves to do thing manually.
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